The Four Themes
The National Healthy Schools Programme has four themes. Healthy eating is one of them. Providing a ‘Healthy food workshop’ is another great way of increasing the pupils awareness of the importance of healthy eating and helping them to understand and make the right choices in terms of their diet and well-being in a fun and stimulating, hands on way!
Example workshops for schools 'Healthy Eating' workshops
The Healthy Eating workshops can be fully tailored to your school's needs by taking account age, curriculum and ability. Very popular are workshops that combine a more theoretical teasing out the pupils' prior knowledge about healthy eating, adding more information theoretically and then conducting a cooking demonstration for the class with a tasting session at the end to consolidate the learning.
Balance Diet workshop Discussion based workshop focusing on a balanced diet and includes a taster session of fresh fruit and vegetables to expose children to new tastes and flavours, using this as a way of talking about the 5 A Day message.
It is also possible to deliver after school parent and child cooking classes called 5 a Day on a Budget
'Fork to Fork’ Workshops with children, young people and adults. These workshops show the link between gardening, planting and harvesting one’s own food as well as cooking and eating it. It is a good way of getting (young) people more enthused about eating vegetables through growing them and therefore (re-)connecting to the food they eat in a more positive way. Additionally, the gardening itself is a very positive way of ‘being out and about’ and doing exercise.
Workshops for Schools and Nurseries can also provide talks and cooking demonstrations for Food Technology/Home Economics classes on the curriculum topic of Vegetarian and Vegan Diet.
Food and Germs These workshops are based on healthy eating but with a focus also on cleanliness and an awareness of germs. The use of a UV box is used to make children aware of germs and the importance of hand washing. Children also make fruit kebabs and milkshakes as part of the practical activity sessions.
The National Healthy Schools Programme has four themes. Healthy eating is one of them. Providing a ‘Healthy food workshop’ is another great way of increasing the pupils awareness of the importance of healthy eating and helping them to understand and make the right choices in terms of their diet and well-being in a fun and stimulating, hands on way!
Example workshops for schools 'Healthy Eating' workshops
The Healthy Eating workshops can be fully tailored to your school's needs by taking account age, curriculum and ability. Very popular are workshops that combine a more theoretical teasing out the pupils' prior knowledge about healthy eating, adding more information theoretically and then conducting a cooking demonstration for the class with a tasting session at the end to consolidate the learning.
Balance Diet workshop Discussion based workshop focusing on a balanced diet and includes a taster session of fresh fruit and vegetables to expose children to new tastes and flavours, using this as a way of talking about the 5 A Day message.
It is also possible to deliver after school parent and child cooking classes called 5 a Day on a Budget
'Fork to Fork’ Workshops with children, young people and adults. These workshops show the link between gardening, planting and harvesting one’s own food as well as cooking and eating it. It is a good way of getting (young) people more enthused about eating vegetables through growing them and therefore (re-)connecting to the food they eat in a more positive way. Additionally, the gardening itself is a very positive way of ‘being out and about’ and doing exercise.
Workshops for Schools and Nurseries can also provide talks and cooking demonstrations for Food Technology/Home Economics classes on the curriculum topic of Vegetarian and Vegan Diet.
Food and Germs These workshops are based on healthy eating but with a focus also on cleanliness and an awareness of germs. The use of a UV box is used to make children aware of germs and the importance of hand washing. Children also make fruit kebabs and milkshakes as part of the practical activity sessions.
Healthy Plate Pupils of all ages enjoy this workshop and have an opportunity to link ‘healthy schools’ with the creative curriculum as they design and make a plate using clay. A lovely workshop and a great reminder for the children of the importance of making healthy food choices.
Dear Adele,
I'd just like to commend you, and your chef Alisa, on a wonderful experience. Thank you very much for all your help. If you have any brochures you can send me so I can entice other members of staff to book a course with you, please let me know. March 2015 Kind regards, Kirsty le Gros. | Adele Deane 07943816331